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Get the accurate weather forecast you know you can rely on with AccuWeather. With in-depth forecast news, the latest forecast updates, severe weather alerts, and much more. Our precision and scientific accuracy let you stay one step ahead - making the unpredictable, predictable this winter.
Be prepared for any sudden changes in weather with live alerts and detailed reports. Plus our daily snapshots provide everything from cloud cover to UV index.
Why you’ll love using AccuWeather:
• Our brand new UI - Enjoy a beautiful, streamlined layout with a stunning conditional background feature. Plus, our easy to use UI helps you to quickly visualize all of the relevant info you need.
• You won’t miss a minute of accurate weather information - Our MinuteCast feature has had a makeover - now you can enjoy Minute by Minute! Our latest feature gives you a detailed minute by minute breakdown of the next two hours so you don’t miss a second of the latest weather updates.
• You’ll be prepared for any weather event on the horizon - Get highs for today and tomorrow with our Today Tonight Tomorrow feature or even get a 45-day outlook.
• You get superior accuracy™ whenever and wherever you need it - Get worldwide weather updates if you're home or away.
• Enjoy RealFeel & RealFeel Shade Temperature® technology - you’ll know the difference between how the weather looks and how it actually feels.
• Go beyond your local forecast - Access hyper-localized mapping layers, including our temperature contour map, COVID-19 outbreak tracker, and live tropical storm radar. Plus, dew point, UV index, visibility, allergy, precipitation, air quality index reports and more.
• Get relevant weather content - Read articles and watch videos that are updated regularly and personalized to your needs.
Be prepared for any weather that winter throws at you, wherever you live.
East Coast - Snow, wind, cold and more! We’ll help you stay prepared with detailed weather forecasts to help you plan in advance.
Pacific Northwest - Get the latest updates on temperature and the rain forecast with our live info and be prepared for any winter storms on the horizon.
West Coast - Check for updates on cloud cover and temperature
The best part is you control what type of information you get with our new custom notifications. Opt into Minute By Minute notifications to get jacket or umbrella reminders and much more! From the daily forecast to minute-by-minute updates, you’ll be prepared come rain or shine.
How to make the AccuWeather app work for you:
• Personalize the app depending on where you are in the world.
• Look 45 days ahead to ensure that you’re prepared for any weather.
• Try the Minute by Minute feature for the most up to date weather forecast, minute by minute.
• Get the latest trending videos from AccuWeather’s dedicated news team.
• Filter according to your preferences and easily hide any features that you don’t want.
• Sync AccuWeather with your watch to get updated information with just a quick glance at your wrist.
With AccuWeather’s superior accuracy™ you’ll never miss a memorable moment due to the weather. Wherever you are or wherever you’re going, count on AccuWeather for reliable weather information.
Download AccuWeather today for free and enjoy award-winning superior accuracy™ in weather forecasting on your iOS device.
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